
緊急事態宣言が出ましたが、、 どうなることやら。。
The state of emergency has been issued again in Osaka… I’m wondering if it will really work…
I really want the Japanese government not only to reduce the number of patients infected by the covid-19 but also to increase the number of beds and doctors and nurses while people are forced to refrain from going out by the declaration of the state of emergency.
There are many hospitals and beds in Japan, and also there are fewer patients infected with the covid-19 in Japan than other countries, but Japanese medical system is overwhelmed. I want the government to think seriously about why the situation has been going on like this for the past year.

今年の1月の英検で3級に合格しました! 今は準2級に向けて勉強中です!! 物覚えが良く、文法はほぼ全てを網羅しました! あとはどれだけ英単語を覚えられるかですね!!