
今日は大晦日ですね〜^^ 大掃除は済ませましたか? 私は今日やろうかなと思います。
でもやっぱり面倒くさいですね。 でもやろう!

先日、梅田の阪急百貨店に行き、毎年恒例の嵯峨御流の生け花展示を観賞してきました♪ というのも、弊社の英語教室に通われている生徒さんの一人が嵯峨御流の生け花の先生をされている方で、その方もその阪急の展示に携わっていると聞き、2020年年始の展示から観に行かせてもらっています♪ 大きな生け花の展示が7つあって、どれも素晴らしい作品です!  深夜、お店が全て閉まった後に嵯峨御流の仲間が集まって生け花展示の準備をし、次の日の朝には様変わりしている7つの生け花のショーウィンドウは圧巻です! 1月13日頃まで展示してあるかな。誰かに感動や勇気、力を与えるためにいろんな場所でいろんな時間帯にいろんな人たちがいろんなことを挑戦しているんだと改めて気付かされます!
それにしても大掃除は面倒くさいわ( ̄▽ ̄)。。 良いお年を( ̄▽ ̄)。。

It’s New Year’s Eve today. Have you done the year-end cleaning yet? Well, I’m going to do that today. It’s a hassle anyway. But I’ll try!

The other day, I went to Hankyu Department Stores in Umeda in order to enjoy watching the annual Ikebana exhibition by Sagagoryu♪ Actually, one of my students is an instructor of Sagagoryu Ikebana, and she engages herself in the exhibition every year. So I go to look at the Ikebana at Hankyu concourse every year, which is my second time this year actually. There are seven large Ikebana works in the seven shop windows, which are really amazing and fantastic! At midnight after all the shops closed, the Sagagoryu members gathered at Hankyu concourse to prepare for the Ikebana exhibition, and the next morning, the seven large shop windows have completely changed into the Ikebana exhibition, which are so overwhelming! I’ve got speechless! Oh my gosh! I think they will be exhibited until January 13th.
That makes me realize that, in order to give some impression, courage or power to somebody, various people are always trying various things everywhere. And I believe you are also one of the people!!
Well, cleaning is such a hassle, by the way( ̄▽ ̄)..
Have a great New Year’s!( ̄▽ ̄)..