
さらに最近は、自分の食生活を改善しようと思い、料理をし始めました。今までは買い食いや外食ばかりでした。全然上手くはありませんが、フライパンや包丁などの道具を揃え(今までなかったんかいっ!)、関西スーパーで食材を買い、料理をしております。とは言っても野菜を切ってフライパンで軽く炒める程度ですが、これがめちゃめちゃ楽しく感じております! ちょっと自分でもセンスがあるんじゃないかと思い始めております。

These days, I feel like the world is kind of having a weird atmosphere because of the coronavirus.
I’m trying to sanitize the office and the classroom as much as possible, but after all, to wash our hands and gargle are much more important.
And besides, I have decided to improve my eating habits and started to cook by myself recently. I often used to buy something to eat or eat out, but last Sunday, I got some cooking tools such as a frying pan and knife, which I had never had until then, and bought some ingredients at Kansai supermarket and have been cooking dinner since then. Well, all I can do is just to cut vegetables into small pieces and fry them in a frying pan, but believe it or not, they are always so yummy ! I think I have a great sense of cooking…
Anyway, eating is the basics of our life.