
今回は初の『船で旅行』ということで、「さんふらわあ」というフェリーで別府まで12時間ぐらいかけて行きました! 土曜日の夜に大阪を出て、日曜日の朝に別府に着きました! 瀬戸内海を通ったので波による揺れもそんなになく、船の乗り心地は穏やかな感じでした。なので寝にくくもなく、船に乗ってるっていう感じもなかったです。
別府に着くとレンタカーを借りて探検をして、まずは『九重夢大吊橋』に行きました! 結構揺れてましたが怖くはなかったです、ハハ。紅葉も綺麗でしたね! 時期的にもうちょっとあとのほうが良かったと思いますが。そして『地獄めぐり』をスタートさせました! 地獄めぐりとは別府にある温泉の源泉をめぐることです! 1日目は2つ回りました。「血の池地獄」と「龍巻地獄」です!
血の池地獄はその名の通り「赤い」温泉です。よくわからないが、自然現象によってそうなってるらしいです!!ビックリですよね! 龍巻地獄は30分おきぐらいに地下から熱湯がすごい勢いで噴き出る神秘的な源泉です! 人工的にやってんのか?と疑ってましたがどうやら本当に自然に噴き出てるみたいです! これは圧巻でしたね~!! 
泊まったホテルの温泉もとても良かったです♪ 露天風呂もあって気持ちよかったです!
2日目は残りの5つの源泉を回りました! 「海地獄」「鬼石坊主地獄」「白池地獄」「鬼山地獄」そして「かまど地獄」です! それぞれ説明するのも邪魔くさいので、みなさん各自でネットとか使って調べてみてください! なんせ、どれもこれも素晴らしかったです!!(○^▽^○) かまど地獄だったかな?なんか足湯があって、靴下のまま落ちてしまい、「あ~あ」ってなってしまいました。。
とにかく連休だったためか観光客が多かったです! 外国人観光客も多かったです!!
帰りもフェリーで帰るので月曜日の夜に別府を出て、今日火曜日の朝に大阪に戻ってきてそのまま仕事です。。トホホ。 まぁいいや。それでは。

I took my family to Beppu, Oita Prefecture for the first time in a while♪ Beppu is famous for great Onsen, hot springs. This time, we tried “a trip by ferry” for the first time. We took the ferry called “Sunflower” to Beppu, which took us about 12 hours!! We left Osaka on Saturday night and arrived in Beppu on Sunday morning!! We went through the Inland Sea, Setonaikai, so the waves were not so rough but felt really comfortable. And also, it made me sleep calmly and I didn’t feel I was on a ship, so luckily I didn’t have to throw up anything. What a relief!
After arriving in Beppu, we rented a car to see around the city! First, we went to “Kokonoe Yume Ootsurihashi”, the longest and highest suspension bridge in Japan! It was swaying a lot while walking on it, but you know, I wasn’t scared at all, haha…
The Autumn leaves there were also beautiful and impressive! You should visit and see it!! It is worth visiting! But I think we should have visited there a little bit later to see perfect Autumn leaves there. And then, we started “Jigoku Meguri”, which means a tour visiting various hot springs in Beppu. On the first day, we tried two hot springs, “Chinoike Jigoku” and “Tatsumaki Jigoku”!! Chinoike Jigoku is a red colored hot spring as its name suggests. I don’t know much about the natural phenomenon, but it is so surprising!! Tatsumaki Jigoku is a mysterious hot spring spouting hot water with great force every 30 minutes!! Is it artificial? No no, it is natural! This is awesome!!
The hot spring in the hotel we stayed in was also very good! It also has an outdoor hot spring. It was so great!
On the next day, we went to five hot springs, “Umi Jigoku”, “Oniishibouzu Jigoku”, “Shiraike Jigoku”, “Oniyama Jigku” and “Kamado Jigoku”!! I don’t wanna explain about each of them because it’s such a hassle, haha, so please look them up on the Internet! Anyway, they were all fantastic!! They made me realize how powerful and amazing and mysterious natural phenomenons are.
And there were a lot of tourists from abroad. I think it’s just because it was during the 3-day holidays. We took a ferry back to Osaka again, so we left Beppu on Monday night and came back to Osaka this morning. It was tiring but so much fun!! That’s all.





