
Hello, everyone!

This is Riuta^^

It’s been a while!!!
How have you been???
I’ve been pretty good.

I’m posting a blog for the first time in months! Well, I was just goofing off(^_^;)haha…
The other day, I went to lunch at a restaurant near my office, which is called “Kawasemi”! One of my students who study English at my office told me about the restaurant, so I went there right away! It is just 2 minutes away from my office!Σ(゜□゜) It looked like an old Japanese-style house and was really stylish♪ I did not notice it though it was this close to my office!!!Oh my god!!!(>_<) I was tempted by the wooden sign outside that said “Medicinal food”, and went inside!! To my surprise, the restaurant was quite crowded!! Actually, before I went there, I was checking some blogs about the restaurant on the Internet and I did not think it was crowded like that, so that really surprised me!! Besides, almost all of the customers are women except me!Σ(゜□゜) I went there alone during the lunch time on a weekday, so I was really embarrassed.(>_<;) I sat at the counter seat and made an order!! I am not so familiar with medicinal food, but the restaurant serves a lot of healty food and the dish I ate there was really delicious♪(○^▽^○) I’ll go there again soon♪
I recommend the restaurant to you!!


久しぶりのブログ更新! 実は、ちょっとサボってました(^_^;)ははっ・・・
先日、弊社の近くにある料理屋さん『Kawasemi』にランチしに行ってきました! 弊社に通っている方からその店について教えてもらったのでさっそく行ってみたんです! なんと弊社から歩いて2分!∑(゜□゜) 外見は古民家を料理屋さんにした感じで、とてもオシャレです♪ こんなに近いのに今まで気付かなかった!!!オーマイガッ!!!(>_<) 外にある「発酵薬膳」と書かれた木の看板に惹かれ、中にゴーッ!! 驚いたことに、めちゃくちゃ混んでいた!! とゆーのも、行く前にネットでいろいろその店に関するブログ等を見ていたのですが、そんなに混んでいるイメージじゃなかったからビックリ!! しかも私以外ほぼ全員女性客!∑(゜□゜) 平日のランチの時間帯に一人で行ったので、なんかかなり恥ずかしかった~(>_<;)カウンター席に座り、オーダー! 私はあまり発酵薬膳に詳しくないのでわからないが、とにかく健康に良さそうな料理がたくさん出てきて、しかもとても美味しかったです♪(○^▽^○) また行こうと思います♪