
Hello, everyone! How are you?

I’m doing great!^▽^/ I’m so strong that I won’t catch a cold !! Haha.

This is the season when the leaves turn red and yellow^▽^/ Well, on Sunday November 20th, I went to JR Takedao station in Takarazuka, Hyogo prefecture, to see the Autumn colors with my family! I think we did it a little earlier because the leaves has not yet turned red as much as I expected. However, the Autumn leaves were so so so beautiful!^▽^

And also, there were a great number of people there!!∑(゜□゜) I wondered why many people visit there. And there is a reason. Actually, the old JR Fukuchiyama line has been open to the public as a hiking trail since November 15th this year!! Which means you can walk on the old track enjoying the Autumn scenery!

The old track is between current JR Namaze station and current JR Takedao station. There are six tuunels in between and you can walk through them! And there is also a river along the old track. The hiking trail full of nature made me feel very comfortable! The general way to enjoy the scenery of this place is that you should go to JR Namaza station first and then walk to JR Takedao station. When we got off the train at Namaze station, a lot of tourists also got off the train. We were surprised with it, saying like “Wow, there are a great number of tourists coming here!!”∑(゜□゜) To be honest, Namaze station looks like a small station where there are usually few people, so this is a strange sight. And we went toward the hiking trail from the station in a line. It looked like it was going to rain, but it didn’t. That saved us.
^▽^ It is about 7 kilometers from Namaze to Takedao and I was really tired from walking.( ̄▽ ̄;) But I got lost in the Autumn leaves and the hiking trail so that I could forget fatigue! Having a break time with tea on the way is necessary. I think it is good for my health to do such exercise!(^▽^) Why don’t you go to the hiking trail to see the Autumn scenery?


紅葉の季節ですねぇ^▽^/ えーっと、20日(日)は家族で紅葉を見に、兵庫県宝塚市にある武田尾駅に行ってきました! まだ時期的に少し早かったのか、思ったよりもまだ紅葉していなかったです。ですけども、ものすごい綺麗でした!^▽^ そしてものすごい人の数!!Σ(゜□゜) なぜそこに人が集まるのかというと、それには理由があります。実は、今年の11月15日から旧JR福知山線跡地がハイキングコースとして開放されたのです!! つまり、廃線の上を紅葉を見ながら歩くことができるのです! 廃線は現在のJR生瀬駅~JR武田尾駅間を通っています。トンネルも6つあり、それらを歩いて通り抜けていけます。廃線に沿って川も流れており自然豊かでとても気持ちよかったです! 常套の行き方としては、まずJR生瀬駅に行き、そこから歩いてJR武田尾駅に向かうというルートです。生瀬駅で電車を降りると、私たちと同じように大勢の観光客も降りました。「こんなに観光客が来るんだぁ~!!Σ(゜□゜)」とびっくりしました。正直、生瀬駅は普段はほとんど人がいない小さい駅のようなので、これは異様な光景です。そこからは大勢の人と並んで廃線コースへ向かいました。雨も降りそうな感じでしたが、結局降らなく、助かりました^▽^ 生瀬駅~武田尾駅間は約7kmあり、歩き疲れましたね( ̄▽ ̄;) しかし疲れを忘れるぐらい紅葉と廃線コースに夢中になっていました! 途中でお茶休憩も必要不可欠ですね。 たまにはこんな運動も良いですね!(^▽^) みなさんも紅葉を見に武田尾駅の廃線コースに行ってみてはいかがですか?
