
Hello, everyone! This is Riuta(^^)

How are you? I’m so so so happy today!!!(≧▽≦)☆

I’ve got great happy news!!!(≧▽≦)
An 11-year-old girl, who has been coming to my school to study English since September, 2015, passed the 5th grade of the English proficiency test (Eiken 5kyu) recently!!! Congratulations!!! I am so happy that she passed the test only one year after she had not had enough skill in English. The contents of the test are written and listening tests. This is the outcomes of her hard work so far(^▽^)/♪ She says she studies English words with her mother by using the PC at home(^▽^)/ And she reviews and memorizes what she has studied every week. She is very studious. And she has learned English pronunciation early, and now she can pronounce as beautifully as a native English speaker! Moreover, she got a perfect score on the listening tests!! To be honest, when she started to study English at my school about a year ago, I did not think she would be able to improve her English so early.(^_^;) So when she told me that she wanted to take the Eiken test two months ago, I was really surprised and really happy to hear that. Which means that she has a lot of confidence! Moreover, as soon as she knew that she had passed the test, she said, “I’ll take the 4th grade of the English proficiency test (Eiken 4kyu)!!”( ̄0 ̄) She is planning to do it sometime soon(^^)/ As for me, I could not even understand English at all until my third year in junior high school. Who could have thought that she would be like this at the age of 11? I am really excited about her future! I have a feeling that she will make a name for herself when she grows up…( ̄0 ̄;)


およそ1年前の2015年9月からこちらに通っている小学5年生の女の子が、なんと英検5級に合格しましたっ!!! おめでとうございます!! 英語を全然知らなかった子が、たった1年で英検5級に合格するなんて、嬉しすぎます。試験内容は、筆記テストとリスニングテストです。日頃からがんばっている成果ですね(^▽^)/♪ 家でもお母さんとパソコンを使って英単語を覚えているそうです(^▽^)/ 毎回の授業で習ったことを必ず復習して覚えてきていますし、かなり勉強熱心な子です。また、発音の習得も早く、今ではネイティブ並みのきれいな発音です! しかも今回のリスニングテストでは満点!! 1年前にこちらに通い始めた頃は、正直ここまで英語力が伸びるとは思っていませんでした(^_^;)なのでこの子が2ヶ月前に「英検受けたい」と言った時はびっくりしましたし、とても嬉しかったです。自信がついている証拠ですね!しかも合格したと知ってすぐに『次は4級受ける』と言っています!!( ̄0 ̄)近いうちに4級を受ける予定です(^^)/ 私でも中学3年まで英語が全く理解できなかったのに、小学5年生でここまで理解できるようになるなんて、、、彼女の将来が楽しみです! 将来は、なにやら大物になる予感。。。( ̄0 ̄;)