
Hello, everyone! This is Riuta(^^)/

How are you? Me? I’m really doing great! (^^)haha

Did you watch the 2016 Summer Olympics live, which was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil??(゜▽゜) Actually, I didn’t watch it much.( ̄▽ ̄;)Which means it is hard for me to do it.^_^; I sleep at midnight and work in the daytime… However, I often heard and watched some news about some of the results of the Japanese teams’ games. Naturally, it’s so so so happy for us when a Japanese team has won a medal!(^▽^) What especially impressed me was the Japanese women’s table tennis team. I have been watching the leader, Ai Fukuhara, on TV since she was a child. This time, I was really moved to know that she has gotten much stronger mentally and physically!(≧▽≦) When she was a child, I sometimes saw her have a table tennis match with someone in a TV variety show. And she used to cry when she lost a game, huh?(^▽^)! But now, she is the leader of the Japanese table tennis team, who has some strong team members. She looks like a reliable big sister! Getting over some difficulties, finally the team has won the bronze medal. We are really happy for them(^▽^)!
Congratulations on their bronze medal!!


みなさんはリオデジャネイロオリンピックを生中継で見てましたでしょうか??(゜▽゜) 私は実はほとんど見てません( ̄▽ ̄;) というよりやはりなかなか見れないですね^_^; 深夜は寝ているし、昼間は仕事中だし。。。 ですが、ニュースでちょくちょく日本チームの結果を聞いたり見たりしてました。当たり前ですが、やっぱり日本チームがメダルを獲ると嬉しいですね!(^▽^)特に私が印象に残ったのは、女子卓球でした! 福原愛ちゃんを小さい時からテレビで見てて知ってるので精神的、肉体的にもさらにたくましくなったなぁ~とあらためて感動しました!(≧▽≦) 小さい時はたまにバラエティ番組とかに出て誰かと卓球を勝負して負けるとすぐ泣いてましたもんねっ(^▽^)笑! 今ではリーダーとして強い後輩も引き連れて、頼れるお姉ちゃんって感じですね! 途中いろいろありましたが銅メダルも獲れたし、本当に良かったですね(^▽^)! 本当におめでとうございます!