
Hi, everyone!(^^)/ This is Riuta!
How are you?

Ughhh, it’s boiling hot. ̄◇ ̄; The heat is killing me.

A junior high school girl, one of the students who come to my English school now, said that she went to Australia, Sydney at the beginning of August and stayed there for about 10 days!^^ I’m so jealous of her.. There is a system called “exchange study abroad” in which school students can go to study abroad or accept each other between their country and their overseas sister schools in one period, and she said one Australian girl came to Japan and stayed at her house before. And this time, she went to Australia and stayed at the Australian girl’s house! ∑(゜0゜)Wow!
She said that it was winter in Australia now and it was cold because of the southern hemisphere. As I heard her story about the overseas trip, I want to go abroad, too!(^^)You know? And you will feel yourself mature greatly after you go abroad and come back, right?(^^)

As I wrote on a blog before, I was going to go to New York this summer, but OH MY GOD! It’s been canceled by reserving a wrong flight ticket!!・・・・・( ̄□ ̄ )What a bad day!

( ̄__ ̄;)I can’t believe it.. I am a translator as well as an English teacher, why did this happen to me!? BUT let me make excuses! It’s not I who reserved the flight! I left it to the friend who was supposed to go to New York with me! And he mistook the departure date!( ̄□ ̄ )What a bad day!

Moreover, he mistook the departure date for the return flight, too! ( ̄□ ̄ )What a bad day!

Can you believe that!!?? I had already told my friends and my students that I was going to New York, saying like “I’m going to go to New York.(^^) I’m really looking forward to it!(^^) I’m going to go abroad for the first time in a while!(^^) What do you want for your souvenirs??(^^)” While I was talking about it with them, the airplane that I should have taken had already left… How pitiful I am!!! It was the biggest tragedy of this summer.(T__T)

So I am all the more jealous of her.. but I will eat some chocolates shaped like a koala, which the junior high school girl gave me, and I’ve got to snap out of it!!(>_<;) There are some nuts inside the chocolates. It was so tasty! Yummmy~(^▽^)/Thank you so much!


あぁ~、暑い~ ̄◇ ̄; 暑さで死にそうですな~。

現在弊社の基礎英語教室に通われている中学生の女の子が、8月の頭から10日間ほどオーストラリアのシドニーに行って来たそうです!^^うらやましい。。 「交換留学」っていう『海外の友好都市や姉妹校との間で相互に学生を受け入れ合って、海外の現地で一定期間就学できる制度』があり、以前はオーストラリアの子が日本に来ていたらしく、今回はその中学生の女の子たちがオーストラリアに行けたそうです!∑(゜0゜)スゲェ~!

以前のブログにも書いたとおり私もこの夏ニューヨークに行く予定でしたが、なんとっ!驚)チケットの取りミスによりキャ、キャ、キャンセルにぃ!!・・・・・( ̄□ ̄ )なんて日だっ! 
( ̄__ ̄;)ありえへん。。 翻訳者として、そして英語の講師としてありえへんミス。。 しかしっ!これは言い訳させてください! 私が直接チケット予約したんじゃないんです!私と一緒に行く予定だった友達にチケット購入は任せていたんですよ! そして彼が出発日を間違えていたんです! ( ̄□ ̄ )なんて日だっ!
しかも帰りの便の到着日も間違えてたっ! ( ̄□ ̄ )なんて日だっ! 
信じられますぅ~!!?? 周りの友人、知人、そして生徒たちにも『ニューヨーク行くんですよ~(^▽^)ぃや~楽しみですわ~(^▽^)久しぶりの海外旅行ですよ~(^▽^)お土産はどんなんがいいですかぁ~?(^▽^)』とか言っておきながら。。。 その話してる間に私の飛行機がすでに出発してたという情けない結末。。。

なので余計にオーストラリアがうらやましい。。 だけどお土産にいただいたコアラのチョコレートを食べて気持ちを切り替えるしかないっ!!(>_<;)  このチョコ、ナッツが入っていてとてもおいしかったです!(^▽^)/ありがとうございます!