You know what? August 11th is a national holiday called Yamanohi !(I don’t know how to say it in English) I’m not saying it’s just because it was Yamanohi, but I went to Wakakusayama in Nara Prefecture with my family including my nephew and niece! And also, we visited our ancestors’ grave! We also played with a ball and went to a sushi restaurant! My nephew and niece are very cute!!^^
The deer in Nara Prefecture are surprisingly friendly!! I tried to give the deer some coffee that I was drinking, but they declined my offer. Anyway, I’m really happy that the weather was very good♪ Well, it was too hot, though…
8月11日は山の日! だからというわけではありませんが奈良県の若草山に行ってきました!
お盆休みということもあり、お墓参りもしてきました! 甥っ子姪っ子とも遊んできました! とてもかわいいです!^^
奈良のシカたちはとても人懐っこいですね〜Σ(○_○ )シカに飲んでるコーヒーをあげようとしましたが、断られました。。
天気が良かったので気分もよかったです♪ ただ暑すぎるわ。。。