
It’s been a while since I last updated the blog^^ I couldn’t update the blog because I was busy doing something, well, it’s a lie. Actually I didn’t feel like doing that, I’m sorry..

Hey guys!! You know what!? I went to a concert by Mr.Children on the 22nd!! It was held at Kyocera Dome! How long has it been since I last went to a concert by Mr.Children?? When I got the ticket, I was really excited!! It is a concert held in the covid-19 pandemic, so we had to wear masks and were not allowed to speak loudly. Instead, we livened up the concert with big applause! I think there were about 60 thousand people in the venue. The number of the people made me realize how wonderful concerts are. And also, everybody wore masks following the rules, so I realized that we don’t need to be afraid of the covid-19 as long as we are very careful not to catch the covid-19! Well, I’m sure their concert blew away the virus!!
That was the concert for their 30th anniversary, and also, was held in the covid-19 pandemic, so it was very deeply moving. All the songs that they played at the concert seemed to have reflected my life so far and the current world situation! I was really moved to tears. Particularly, when I heard their songs “GIFT” and “Your Song”, I almost cried loudly!! I have been a fan of Mr.Children since I was a junior high school student, for 20 years or so. I realize Mr.Children and their songs have been with my life, and will be forever. I’m still excited and not in the mood for work!!

めちゃ久しぶりの更新^^ いろいろバタついて更新ができなかったというのは冗談で、単に面倒臭かったという、、ごめんなさい。

それよりなにより!! 22日にミスチルのライブに行ってきました!!!>▽<♪ 京セラドームでありました! 何年ぶりのミスチルのライブだろうか?? チケットが当たった時はめちゃくちゃ興奮してしまいました!^^ コロナ禍の中でのライブ開催なのでマスク着用で声も出してはいけないので観客の皆さんは拍手で会場を盛り上げていました!^▽^ 約6万人ぐらいいたのかな? ものすごい人の数でこれこそがライブの醍醐味だとあらためて感じ、みんなマスク着用しルールを守っていたので、コロナは正しく恐れていれば何も怖くないと実感しました!^^ ぃやむしろそんなウイルスを吹っ飛ばすようなミスチルのライブでした!! 30周年のライブ、しかもコロナ禍でのライブということもあり、感慨深いものでした^^ 全ての曲が自分の人生や今の社会情勢を映しているようでした! とても感動して泣いてしまいました(T_T)特に「GIFT」と「Your Song」を歌った時はマジでヤバかったです!!>▽< 中学生のときからミスチルファンなので約20年ちょっと。ミスチルの音楽と共に歩んできたんだなぁと実感しました♪ 興奮がおさまらない〜!!>_<