
Do you know a Korean drama called “Squid Game”? I didn’t know that and one of my students told me about it, and I was like “Wow, that sounds interesting! I want to see it!”, and she told me that if I wanted to see it, I had to have a Netflix membership, so I’ve joined Netflix right away! lol
The drama has nine stories in total, and from the beginning, it is very interesting, breathtaking and thrilling! It also has some grotesque scenes, though… When I saw it, I was like “What is going to happen next?”, and I saw all the stories all at once♪ The title “Squid Game” derives from the name of a Korean children’s old game. And also, I was really surprised to hear that many people have joined Netflix just to see Squid Game!!Σ(○_○ )
Well, Korean dramas and movies are so powerful, you know. If you are interested in it, you should see it!

みなさんは韓国ドラマ『イカゲーム』をご存知ですか? 私も最近生徒さんから聞いて、「へぇ〜 そんなんあるんやぁ。面白そう! 見たい!」と思い、どうやって見れるかを聞くとNetflixでしか見れないということなのですぐにNetflixに加入しました!笑
全部で9話まであり、1話目からスゴイ面白く、息を飲むようなスリリングなドラマです! ちょっとグロテスクなシーンもあるけど。。 次どうなる??っていう感じで一気に最後まで見てしまいました♪ タイトルの「イカゲーム」というのは韓国の子供たちの古い遊びの名前らしいです。 「イカゲーム」を見るためだけにNetflixに加入した人もかなりいるみたいです!!Σ(○_○ )
韓国ドラマや映画はやはり迫力がちがいますね〜! ご興味がある方はぜひ!