
Has the rainy season ended finally??
Yesterday I went to Osaka Science Museum to see the planetarium. I heard the renovation on Osaka Science Museum is going to start on August 23rd, and it will take until next February, so I went there on the last day just before the renovation! I enjoyed seeing the Milky Way Galaxy and Black Hole!! Both of them were really mysterious and beautiful! The beauty was beyond description.
Have you ever seen a Hollywood movie called “Contact”? If you are interested in the Universe, you should see it. You can even watch it on Amazon Prime. In the movie, a kid asks the researcher, who has been studying the universe, whether there are any creatures in the universe, and she answers like “The universe is a pretty big place. It’s bigger than anything anyone has ever dreamed of before. So if it’s just us, it seems like an awful waste of space.” This is my favorite lines.
Again, I realized how big the universe is and how small I am. I want to visit the planetarium again after the renovation has finished!

昨日は大阪市立科学館に行ってきました。 今日(8月23日)からリニューアル工事に入り、来年の2月ぐらいまで行けないと聞いたので22日の最終日に行ってきました! プラネタリウムで天の川銀河とブラックホールを見てきました!! どちらもとても神秘的で美しかったです! その美しさは言葉で言い表せないほどでした! 昔のハリウッド映画『コンタクト』をみなさんは見たことありますか? Amazonプライムで見れますので宇宙にご興味がある方はぜひ見てみてください。 宇宙のことをずっと研究している研究者が「宇宙に生物はいると思いますか?」と聞かれ、『宇宙はとてつもなく大きい。だれもが想像する何ものよりも大きい。 だからもし地球人だけだと、空間(スペース)がもったいないわ。』という私の好きなセリフがあります。