
正確には、京阪の枚方市駅から枚方公園前駅の間の道にずら〜〜〜っといろんな出店が並んでおり、毎月第2日曜日に行われているそうです!!Σ(○_○ )
そもそもなんでそれを知ったかと言いますと、弊社の基礎英語教室に通っている小学生のおじいちゃんがハンコ屋さんをしており、よくそこに出店しているとのことで(^0^)、しかも!!私が最近趣味でレザークラフトにハマっているとその小学生に話すと、「レザーグッズ屋さんもいくつか出店してるで!」とのこと!! これはなんという奇跡!!!
しかもしかも!その小学生が先月の五六市に行ったときにすでに一軒のレザーグッズ屋さんに私のことを話してくれていて、なんとアポをとっているというではないかっ!!!(≧▽≦) これは心強い! そしてさっそく昨日レザーグッズ屋さんの出店のところに行かせてもらい、そこのオーナーとレザーのこと、型紙のこと、ミシンのこと、どんな物を作りたいかなどをいろいろ話させてもらい、今後個人的に教えてもらうことになりました!!!(拍手っ)
これも一重に小学生のおかげです。 やはり、人と人が繋がることは大事ですが、人と人を繋げてくれる人はもっと大事かもしれません。   以上!

On the 9th, Sunday, I visited Gorokuichi held in Hirakata city. Exactly speaking, the Ichi (which means “market place”) is regularly held on the second Sunday of each month and is held along the street between Hirakatashi station and Hirakatakouenmae station on Keihan line. You’ll see a lot of stalls there!!
There are many stalls which sell handmade goods, which excited me a lot!! Why did I go there?? One of my elementary school students said her grandpa is a seal-cutter, who often opens a stall. Besides, she said “There are some leather-goods stalls there! You should come!” Oh my gosh!! What a miracle!! And also, she added “I already made an appointment with him for you. So won’t you come next Sunday?” That’s reassuring!! Of course I said yes! That’s why I visited the Gorokuichi last Sunday. As soon as I found the leather-goods stall, I went up there and talked a lot with the shop manager about what I want to do with leather and how to use a sewing machine and so on. And YES!! He said he can teach me how to create leather-goods on an individual basis!!! Lucky me!! Thanks to the elementary school student!! This made me realize the one who connects a person with another is much more important! That’s all!