
Hello, everyone!

This is Riuta^^

How are you?
I have been much better recently! Because I have looked forward to watching a movie which is coming at the end of this month! Guess what?( ̄▽ ̄)

Have you read any touching book recently? Some weeks ago, I borrowed a book from one of my students! She really likes reading books and she says she has read almost all books and novels before until now!!∑(゜0゜) And she says there are a lot of books and novels in her house!! The title of the book that I borrowed from her is “Kimi no Suizo wo Tabetai” ! Have you heard of it? Actually, the story is going to be made into a movie and be screened at the end of this month! I had read the book for some days and I finished it just yesterday. It is the most bittersweet and heartbreaking story that I’ve ever read. It was published in 2015. The writer is “Yoru Sumino”, a man. And surprisingly, it is his debut!! What a great debut!(≧▽≦) The meaning of the title is “I want to eat your pancreas”, but it derives from a Japanese proverb, so I can’t translate it into English directly. The last 40 pages were so heartbreaking that I couldn’t help crying.(T_T)crying.
I will go to see the movie, too!!\(^0^)/
And the theme song of the movie is a new song called “himawari”(means a sunflower) made by one of the most popular band in Japan, Mr.Children!!(≧▽≦) Actually, this song is what I’m really looking forward to!! My most favorite band is Mr.Children(^^).


最近感動する本を読みましたか? 数週間前に私は生徒さんの一人からある本を借りました! その人は本好きでほとんどの本を読んできているみたいです!!∑(゜0゜)家にもたくさん本があるみたいです!! 借りた本は『君の膵臓をたべたい』です! 聞いたことありますか? 実は今月末頃から映画でも公開されるみたいです! 何日間かかけてこの本を読んだのですが、私が読んだ中で一番切なく、胸が張り裂けそうになる本でした。 2015年頃に出版された本みたいです。 作者は「住野よる」さんという方(男)です。なんとこれが彼のデビュー作なんですって!! なんと素晴らしいデビュー作!(≧▽≦)タイトルをそのまま英語に直訳すると「I want to eat your pancreas.」なのですが、このタイトルはことわざをもじった言葉なので英語では表せないです。最後の40ページぐらいは泣きながら読んでしまいました(T_T)泣
そして! 映画では、主題歌はなんとMr.Children(ミスチル)の新曲「himawari」が使われます!!(≧▽≦)実はそれが一番楽しみ~!! 私の一番好きなバンドはミスチルなんですよね~(^^)