
Hi, everyone!

This is Riuta^^
How are you? I’m drunk… just kidding(lol).

On Sunday, February 5th, there was something special for me! I met my cousins for the first time in ages and had a drinking party!(^▽^)/ There came some cousins who I had not met for nearly 20 years, which reminded me of a lot of old memories! It was so much fun talking with them about the good old days and how we have been while drinking alcohol. I was really surprised that they grew up to be fine ladies and gentlemen before I knew it!∑(゜0゜)
And I heard that one of them is going to start living in New York next week!! Wow!! That’s awesome!! I’m so jealous!(>_<) He said he was not very good at English. But I admire him for his courage to go abroad alone!\(^▽^)/ I told him to contact me anytime if he has any trouble with his English♪
Before, we had not even known each other’s phone numbers or e-mail addresses, so it was kind of hard for us to get together with each other. But once we met each other, we can easily meet again and again♪(^▽^) We are planning to have a drinking party around May next time!
I hope we will regularly have a drinking party like this from now on♪


2月5日(日)に特別な出来事がありました! 久しぶりにいとこ同士で集まって飲み会をしたんです!(^▽^)/ なかには20年近く会っていなかったいとこも来ていて、本当に懐かしかったです! 酒を飲みながら、昔話をしたり、これまで何をしてきたかについて話したりしてとても楽しかったです。会っていない間にみんな立派な大人になっていてびっくりしました!Σ(゜0゜) 
彼らのうちの一人がなんと来週からニューヨークに住むらしいです!! スゴイッ!そして羨ましい!(>_<)英語はそんなに得意ではないらしいですが、一人で外国に飛び込む度胸には感服しますね!\(^▽^)/英語で困ることがあればいつでも俺を呼んでと伝えておきました♪
みんな今まではお互い連絡先すら知らなかったのでなかなか会いにくかったのですが、一度会ってしまえば今後は会いやすいですね♪(^▽^) ちなみに次回は5月ごろに飲み会の予定しています!