
Hi, this is Riuta^0^

How are you, guys? I’m doing great as usual! I hope you are, too(^▽^)/

Look at this!∑(゜□゜) Here they are, SNOOPY COMICS!! And you know what!? These are written in English! Moreover, these are drawn in full color! First of all, Snoopy manga(Peanuts) appeared serially in newspapers during the period from 1950 to 2000, and it is a very popular dog character all over the world, isn’t it?^▽^ And some stories selected from all the stories are written in these books! It sure is worth reading for you to study English or even just to enjoy reading! Actually, this series has five parts in total (SNOOPY COMIC ALL COLOR 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s), and I have got four parts(60s~90s) of them.

You can learn English while reading the characters’ real words^▽^. Don’t worry! It has Japanese subtitles, too. Some elementary school students, who comes to my office to study English, look over the books with interest. Of course, they can’t read through them all, though. Children are always full of curiosity^0^. I was not very interested in “SNOOPY” until recently, but now, whenever I am free, I read them with interest.(lol) To be honest, reading these books could be far more helpful than reading halfway study-aid books! This is practical English, you know? If you are interested in them, why don’t you try and buy them??^▽^/ I bet it will be great for you!


見てください!∑(゜□゜) スヌーピーの絵本ですよっ! しかも英語版のまま! しかもフルカラー! もともとスヌーピー(漫画のタイトルは『ピーナッツ』)1950年~2000年の間、新聞で連載されていた世界中で大人気のキャラクターですよね^▽^! そしてその中から厳選された話がこれらの本の中に入っています! 勉強のためでもただただ楽しむためでもこれは読む価値あり! 実際はこのシリーズは合計5冊(SNOOPY COMIC ALL COLOR 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s)売られているみたいですが、私は4冊(60s~90s)を買いました。

登場キャラクター達の生のセリフで英語が学べます^▽^ 心配御無用!日本語訳もついています。 現在通われている小学生たちも全部はもちろん読めないけれど、興味津々で目を通しています。子供はいつでも好奇心旺盛ですね^0^。 私もこれまではそこまでスヌーピーに興味がなかったのですが今では暇さえあればこれらの本を読み漁っています(笑) これは正直言って、中途半端な参考書を読むよりもはるかに役に立つ! これぞ生きた英語ですよね! 興味ある人はぜひ買ってみてはどうですか?^▽^/ きっとみなさんにも良いものだと思いますよ!