
Hello, everyone! This is Riuta~^0^/.

How are you?? I’m very good as usual.

A high school girl, one of the students who come to study English from the basic now, went to Kagoshima prefecture during the vacation. And there, she bought a souvenir for me^^/♪ Apparently it is MisoΣ(゜0゜)! I love Miso^^ It has a picture of a cute pig on it^▽^. See? But what surprised me is the words “Made by the class A of the 12th grade, Kakusho High School”… I am wondering if the high school students could make it. Have you ever seen something like this? When I looked it up on the internet, it is said that this kind of canned foods are well known∑(〇_〇)!

Eating it with rice is terrific! It was so tasty!! I think it can go well with rice!!

Thank you very much for the wonderful souvenir♪


現在弊社の基礎英語教室に通われている高校生の女の子が鹿児島に行ったらしく、そこでのお土産を買ってきてくれました^^/♪ なんだか味噌のようですΣ(゜0゜)! 味噌は大好きです^^ かわいい豚の絵が描かれていますね^▽^わかりますか? でも気になるのはその上の「鶴翔高校3年A組の」。。。 高校生が作っているのかなぁ? みなさんはこのようなもの見たことありますぅ? インターネットで調べてみると、この種の缶詰食品はよく知られているようです∑(〇_〇)!

ご飯の上に乗せて食べると最高においしかったです!! すごく白飯に合う!!
