
Hello, this is Riuta(^^)/.

How are you doing?
I’m doing very well!
But recently, it’s been getting hotter and hotter, so I’m suffering from the heat.
I am tired and I have lost my appetite because of the heat…( ̄- ̄;)
I know it’s also so hard for you guys to keep studying while it’s very hot, right?
But don’t get bogged down in the heat and keep up the great work for your future!\(^^)/

By the way, on June 4th Saturday, I met one of my old foreign friends in Umeda, who is from Korea.
He was my classmate in high school and after graduation of 2005, I went to Toronto, Canada to study English and he went to America to study medical science. I already came back to Japan some years ago, but he has still been in America and studying medical science since then. And sometimes he comes back to Japan during this season because most of the colleges and universities in the U.S. break for vacation from the beginning of June, so we can meet each other during this season and talk a lot about each other’s lives in English (sometimes in Japanese).
This time, we went to eat Okonomiyaki for lunch. After that, at last we went to see the movie that I’d really wanted to see. It was so much fun!!

And also, we talked about his life in Columbia University, which sounds a lot of fun!! And it made me want to go to America. Then, to my surprise, he asked me to come to America for a small trip!!! My answer is “Yes!” of course. So in August this year, I am going to go to America, New York and Toronto in Canada, where I stayed when I was 19!!! What great news for me it was!
For this reason, I’m going to go abroad for the first time in a while (^▽^)/!!
I wonder if my English is still good enough to communicate with foreigners.( ̄▽ ̄)lol
I’m sure that it is.


みなさん、お元気ですか? 私は元気ですが、最近だんだんと暑くなってきて暑さに苦しんでいます。暑さにバテバテで食欲がない状況。。。 暑い中勉強し続けるのは大変ですよね? でも暑さに負けずに、将来に向けて頑張ってください!


また、彼のコロンビア大学での生活についても話しました。とても楽しそうで、私もアメリカに行きたくなりました。その時、驚いたことに、彼が私をアメリカに旅行に来ないかと誘ってくれました!!! 私の答えはもちろん『Yes!!』でした! というわけで、今年の8月、ニューヨークと私が19歳のときに居たカナダのトロントに行きます!!! 私にとってはなんと素晴らしい知らせなんだ~!
自分の英語が未だ海外で通じるのか・・・( ̄▽ ̄)笑